From the recording Western Skies Two


The Western sky’s alright tonight
The Western sun in red twilight
With Western birds in western flight
Western ocean, cold and bright

The Western clouds like bridal shrouds
Hang free above the twisted boughs
Of Western trees in harmony
With land and sun and bird and sea

The Western sky’s alright
The Western sky’s alright

There’s a Western story I once heard
Of sun and tree and sea and bird
Can’t really say how it did end
But the point was that you can’t pretend

If the West was won or lost or what
Was it a draw? Is the case shut?
The jury’s out, without a doubt
Call me in the next flood, or drought

But the Western sky’s alright
The Western sky’s alright

The Western sky’s alright tonight
No haze or smoke or fire in sight
The earth may tremble, hills may slide
Won or lost, you can decide

But the Western sky’s alright
The Western sky’s alright